Banjo #018 is the first of the Beartown 12″ Mahogany “Dobson-style” tone ring. This banjo has an 12″ block rim of sapele mahogany with a Dobson style tone ring. Rim cap, heel cap and accent rim layer are paduak. Neck is 2 piece sapele with a thin black center laminate and is equipped with a dual action truss rod accessible at the heel.
Fingerboard is oiled chechen (aka “caribbean rosewood” or “black poisonwood”). Headstock laminate (front and back) are Paduak with a headstock inlay of curly maple, black walnut and mother of pearl. Instrument is finished with a penetrating oil finish. Banjo is set up with nickle hardware and nickle Gotoh planetary tuners, curved Beartown bridge and shop mounted goatskin head.
Set up is with a modest frailing scoop level with the head. Scale is 25.5″ with 19 frets. 5th string nut is at the 5th fret. The tone is full and powerful with punchy upper range and full low notes.
This banjo is available directly from Beartown Banjo: $1975 Includes hardshell case. cleaning/tuneup and a fresh goatskin (or fibreskin, etc if you prefer) head. Upgrade to Rickard Clyclone tuners available for $200.
Beartown Banjo #018
Pot: 12” sapele with paduak cap and accent layer
Tone Ring: spun nickle Dobson style
Nickle Hardware: 18 brackets, double-pointed shoes, grooved tension hoop, bacon style nuts, Pigsah Hawk tailpiece, Gotoh tuners.
Neck: 2 piece laminated sapele with thin black laminate layer, 2 way truss rod adjustable at heel, ¾ inch dowel stick with nickle horseshoe fastener
Fingerboard: chechen 25.5 inch scale, Evo gold fretwire
Bridge: custom curved Beartown Bridge (maple/ebony)
Trim: paduak heel cap with black laminate accent, paduak laminate on top and bottom.
Ornamentation: mother of pearl side markers, headstock crescent planet of mother of pearl, curly maple and black walnut.
Build date: September, 2019